Beaver Medicine

by Dec 21, 2015Bear Blog2 comments

Beaver Medicine

by Dec 21, 2015Bear Blog2 comments

As we move through the world we are not alone. Look to your friends and family to Co-create your Vision harmoniously sharing in the wisdom teaching as our dreams come to life WE are One.
Celebrating Life Through Ritual!

Beaver Medicine

Beaver Power Animal Symbol Of Group Mind Master Creator And BuilderBeaver’s medicine brings you the wisdom of creativity, maintaining the ability to be productive in all ways by not limiting your options, being persistent, using available resources, finding and using alternate ways of doing tasks, master builder of all things, not damming the flow of experiences in life, achievement through completion of tasks, understanding the dynamics of group work, protecting, cooperation, fertility and new promise.Beavers are good at teamwork, and work together cooperatively to construct their homes. From beaver we can learn that we can create and make things a reality most effectively and powerfully when all involved appreciate every individuals talents, and work together harmoniously.I’m sure most of you will have had many grand ideas, and for most of you the getting idea part is easy, but the problems have begun only when you have thought about actualizing these into physical reality…and then the ideas have faded, just like dreams often fade when one wakes up. This is where you will find beavers medicine to be of great assistance. The beaver is one of the leading creators in the animal kingdom. They get an idea of what their home and also dam should be like, then fell trees with their sharp teeth and build intricate structures with several entrances and exits.The many entrances and exits signify the importance of pliability when in the process of creation. Often when we imagine something we’d like to materialize in physical reality, we focus only on this vision. By doing this we forget that creativity doesn’t finish, but begins with the vision, and that in the course of making something real we too change and grow. Often improvements are thought up whilst making a dream/vision reality. If you push these thoughts aside, you may find yourself stuck mid creation. Instead, bear these thoughts in mind and if you find it an improvement restructure your design accordingly, as the end product may be more awesome than you ever dreamed possible.Another lesson to be learned is that beavers possess a gift humans often lack – they use teamwork and cooperation to build their homes. Some refer to this as a group mind, a harmonious balance of communication and purpose, possible only when individual egos aren’t meddling with it.A group mind is extremely close to the spirit of Oneness, reminding us that we all come from the same source, and that each individual in the world – no matter what species – is a unique expression of the original creative energy. This does not mean an individual doesn’t have contributions to make to a project, but working together in this way means appreciating that the coming together of minds creates a unification that for many creations is far more effective than individual efforts.The Beaver reminds us that we have to act on our dreams to bring them alive – it is time for action. If beaver has entered your life, it may be wise to ask yourself whether you have been neglecting your dreams? Are you lost in your dreams and not acting upon them?As before mentioned, beavers are expert builders. Their dams are built extremely strong and secure. If beaver has entered your life, you are being asked to strengthen the foundation on which you stand or to build a new one. If you continue to stand on old foundations, new opportunities may be missed. This is also linked to letting go of old, narrowing belief systems and allowing for refreshing change and new adventures.Because of their expertise, the building skills of beavers have been linked to ancient masonry. Often, people with this power animal have past lives associated with this magical art. Studying masonry can uncover deeper, hidden but not forgotten, insights about who you are and who you have been.Beavers are master engineers and transform environments. Their dams consist of wood held together with mud and leaves. Streams are changed into lakes with their dams. When they vacate an area, the dam gradually decomposes leaving a fertile meadow where the lake was. As well as working in harmony with each other, the beaver also knows how to work in harmony with the environment and can show us how to do the same.The large incisor teeth of the beaver are the most distinguishable feature – very symbolic. People with healthy incisor teeth usually have a balanced inner nature, obviously if unhealthy an unsettled inner nature is frequent. If Beaver is your power animal, do not neglect your teeth. Also, if don’t already have it, you need to develop a sense of inner peace. Meditation and quiet contemplation are useful tools to achieve this.Beavers are also fabulous swimmers, and can stay under water for up to15 minutes. They are good at controlling their breathing. If this were your power animal, yoga would suit you well, and any other breathing exercises.Beaver people often find they must work hard to fulfill their goals. Don’t forget to be kind and loving to yourself.

Anthony Bear

Anthony Bear

Anthony Singing Bear is the founder of Bear Blend. After meeting and learning from herbalists in Ohio during graduate school, herbs became a passion and hobby of his. After years of continued education and experimentation, herbs remain a huge part of his daily life."


  1. Bill Kelly

    I find this blog 9 years later on 11/21. Blessings brother, animal spirit is a part of my mixed bag. I collected chips where beaver were falling a tree on the Beaver Full moon. Bear is a powerful symbol in my Finnish ancestry. I’m originally from Northeastern Ohio and still travel up and down 77 when visiting my holistic practitioner. Blessings to you

    • Anthony Bear

      Nice connection. I grew up in Northeastern Ohio myself. It’s wild how everything comes full circle. My dad was a beaver medicine guy. That’s how I first came to understand the Beaver. Thanks for your comment.


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