Every year, over 100 brown bears make the journey to Katmai National Park in Alaska. Their purpose? To position themselves in perfect alignment with the spawning sockeye salmon to allow those perfect delicious treats to fly effortlessly into their huge mouths. The pink fish of kings. And while usually we’d usually advocate that such a natural and beautiful process be left untouched by the dangerous hands of man and technology, four years ago some genius decided to livestream the river 24/7 while the bears fed. And it was great.

This year, the tradition continues. You can watch the river round the clock as the bears splash around, hunt for food, and stumble sated back into the woods. The live camera feed jumps from several different vantage points, so you’re sure not to miss the action. And even when the bears aren’t around, the flowing river becomes the most calming screensaver this side of Windows 95. It’s fun for the whole family. Unless you come from a family of salmon. In which case, it’s probably less fun.


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