The Dream HerbMugwort
The Dream HerbArtemisia vulgaris, also known as Mugwort or the Dream Herb, is an aromatic plant with a long history of medicinal and spiritual use.
Interested in smoking Mugwort? You are in for a treat.
Some Chinese poems and songs mention it as far back as 3 BC. It is thought to be native to Europe, Northern Africa, and naturalized in much of the lower 48 United States. It’s been used as a spice, food, medicine, spiritual aid, acupuncture implement (moxibustion), flavoring for beer and other beverages and as a moth and insect repellent in the garden.
And yeah, Mugwort is great for smoking, too.

…with your Weed.
Smoking Mugwort with Ganja is awesome. Not only does it make your bud last longer — saving you precious dough — but the Mugwort also enhances the flavor to make it full-bodied with no cough. Mellow out the buzz and enjoy some artemisia in your bowl.

…with your Tobacco.
Mugwort pairs well with Tobacco, chilling the flavor of the smoke and killing the harshness on the throat. This can be a great trick for weaning off Tobacco over time. Start with a 50 /50 mix of American Spirit Tobacco and Mugwort, then gradually reduce the amount of Tobacco down to zero.

…by itself.
Mugwort looks similar to weed, but has its own personality as an herb to be reckoned with. Mugwort won’t get you high like Cannabis, but…well let’s just say that you will remember your dreams when you smoke Mugwort. We call Mugwort the Dream Herb for a reason.
100% Organic Smokable Mugwort
Bear Blend features 100% Certified Organic Mugwort as a smokable herb. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this unique, dream-enhancing plant. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!
Mugwort — Smokable Herbs
Mugwort is one of our favorite herbs.
That’s why it’s a staple ingredient in all of our smoke blends.
100% Organic Herbs
Bear Blend is made from the finest herbs — fair trade, biodynamic and certified organic by the USDA. Ceremonial blends can be used for smoking, tea, or as incense. Herbs have been used for centuries to relax and reconnect.
Different Herbs, Plants & Flowers
Unique Smoke Blends
USDA Certified Organic
Get to Know the Blends
Each offers unique flavor and effects

It's One Of A Kind

It's Certified Organic

It's Medicinal

It's Recreational