Discover Mullein – The Timeless Remedy

Mullein, a.k.a. The Velvet Plant, has a rich history of providing relief for various disorders, primarily respiratory issues. Its use dates back over 2000 years, beginning with the recommendation of Dioscorides (a Greek botanist, pharmacologist, and physician).

About Mullein

This prolific, powerful herb is native to North Africa, Asia, and Europe, arriving in North America in the early 1700s. Interestingly, mullein is so hearty and adaptable that it quickly established itself on the continent, leading people to believe it is a native plant.

And, just like the indigenous peoples of Europe, Asia, and Northern Africa, North American populations quickly put mullein to work, taking advantage of its many significant and beneficial properties.

Mullein’s Benefits

Antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C guard your cells from unstable free radical molecules, boosting your body’s natural defenses. Because of its antiseptic properties, which prevent germs from propagating, studies indicate mullein is effective in treating E. coli, staph, and pneumonia.

Deriving its name from an old French indicating soft, The Velvet Plant’s leaves can be helpful as emergency toilet paper and as cushioning insulation in footwear. But, its true value is in relieving respiratory issues and as an expectorant.

Other conditions mullein can improve:

  • Pulmonary Issues
  • Asthma
  • Bronchitis
  • Congestion
  • Cough
  • Inflammation
  • Migraine

There is much more, including pain and constipation, which this fantastic herb can help you manage with few, if any, side effects. Mullen is one of the most valuable and beneficial herbs on planet Earth, and we included it in all of our Herbal Blends.

Smooth Things out

Because mullein is so well-tolerated and helpful, many Bear Blends customers find it a powerful tool for cutting back on cannabis or tobacco usage. This dynamic little herb packs powerful yet pleasing results in combination with cannabis.

Here is some of what our customers are saying about mullein:

  • Opened my lungs right up! Good stuff!
  • Always hated that burning feeling from marijuana.
    Putting some mullein in made so much smoother, no burning feeling and just taste better.
  • Love these herbs, really lightens the throat hit and makes me able to smoke a tiny bit of cannabis with mixing.

Our Smokable Herbs, like mullein, are all organic and of the highest quality. They undergo our proprietary processing to create perfectly smokable herbs you can enjoy in any number of ways. Many people find steeping mullein in hot water comforting, while others benefit most from inhaling this feathery soft smoke.


No matter how you choose to partake of Bear Blends’ mullein smokable herbs, you can be sure your experience will be the best. At Bear Blends, we are passionate about our herbs and carefully maximize quality and customer experience at every step.

Along with our individual smokable herbs, we offer a fine assortment of Herbal Blends for you to discover and enjoy.

We encourage you to take some time and browse through our products, like our nicotine-free herbal cigarettes, herbal chew, and more.

And remember your mullein before you leave.


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