
The Bright Dreamy Herb


The Bright Dreamy Herb

Calendula officinalis, commonly known as Calendula, is a dream herb, prone to inducing lucid, invigorating dreams you tend to remember with vivid clarity the next morning. Want to master lucid dreaming — the art of staying conscious while dreaming with direct control over your mind? Calendula may just be the magical herbal medicine to help get you there.

Interested in smoking Calendula? It delivers a smooth citrus taste and a happy, upbeat energy. Calendula is a healing herb that feels soothing on the lungs.

Calendula is a smokable Marigold flower traditionally used to treat a variety of ailments. In India, this sacred flower is used to decorate the statues of Hindu deities. Aztecs and Mayans religiously implemented the flower in ancient ceremonies as an offer to the gods and a sacrament of healing. You can find it today on home altars celebrating the Day of the Dead in Mexico and Central America.

Unlike a Calendula tea or salve, we carefully pick only the delicate flower petals from the Calendula for our blends. These flowers embody the lightest and most ethereal part of Calendula’s qualities. The bright orange and vibrant flower petals actually help to create a fully balanced smoke blend that burns evenly and tastes smooth and delicious.

Calendula has anti-inflammatory healing properties that calm Muscle Spasms, heal Ulcers, Wounds, and Hemorrhoids, and aid Menstruation.

You Can Smoke Calendula…

…with your Weed.

Smoking Calendula with Ganja is an enlightening experience. These flowers were made to blend together! Calendula is best smoked in a mixture of herbs, including Cannabis. Several Bear Blends feature Calendula. Mixing your Weed with Calendula and other herbs will help trim your Weed budget, saving you precious dough! Chill your buzz with a dash of Calendula in your stash!

…with your Tobacco.

Mixed with other herbs, Calendula pairs excellently with Tobacco, adding a hint of Citrus that soothes the harshness on your lungs. This can be a great trick for weaning off Tobacco over time.  Start with a 50 /50 mix of American Spirit Tobacco and Calendula mixed with other herbs, then gradually reduce the amount of Tobacco down to zero.

…by itself.

In an herbal blend, Calendula delivers a tasty citrus flavor that is quite soothing and relaxing. Its anti-inflammatory qualities calm muscle spasms and soothe coughs. This magical Marigold flower brings a brightful buoyancy to an herbal smoke that’s happy and dreamlike. Bear Blends that feature Calendula include Amazon, Mintz, OG, and Shaman.

100% Organic Smokable Calendula

Bear Blend features 100% Certified Organic Calendula as a smokable herb. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this bright and beautiful plant. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!

More From Bear Blend

Bear Blend is made from the finest herbs — fair trade, biodynamic and certified organic by the USDA. Ceremonial blends can be used for smoking, tea, or as incense.  Herbs have been used for centuries to relax and reconnect.

Different Herbs, Plants & Flowers

Unique Smoke Blends


USDA Certified Organic

Get to Know the Blends

Each offers unique flavor and effects

Vizion Herbal Smoking Blend
Energizing and activating, Vizion brings awareness and clarity with a medium effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Yerba Mate, Ginkgo BIloba, Gotu Kola, Skullcap
Kin Nik Nik is an expansive and uplifting blend with lavender undertones. It is peaceful and cerebral with a medium effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Damiana, Uva Ursi, Motherwort, Passion Flower
Original Smoke Blend
The OG Bear Blend is our most floral and aromatic blend. It is relaxing and soothing with a mild effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Rose Petals, Damiana, Calendula, Catnip, Lobelia, Vanilla Bean
Our Abacus II Full Spectrum hemp flower is terpene rich with high CBD content. With 0.3% THC, these fragrant buds are covered in trichomes. The mix of purple, blue, and light green buds will leave you enjoying every bit.
Active Herbs: Hemp CBD Flower
Powerfully relaxing with hops and valerian. It is body calming and dream enhancing with a strong effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Valerian, Hops, Wormwood, Tarragon
Bear Blend Shaman
Shaman is an aromatic blend of ceremonial herbs and high terpene hemp CBD flower. WARNING: This stuff smells just like weed but contains less than 0.01% THC.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Rose Petals, Uva Ursi, Hemp CBD Flower
Mintz Ceremonial Blend
A stimulating balance of flowers, herbs, and mint, Mintz offers a delicious flavor with a mild effect.
Active Herbs: Peppermint, Calendula, Mugwort, Damiana, Lobelia 
Amazon Herbal Smoking Blend
The Amazon blend is activating and flavorful with a hint of clove. It inspires alert relaxation with a medium effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Calendula, Calamus, Passion Flower, Clove
Moon Lodge Smoking Blend
Moon Lodge offers a gentle rose flavor with a touch of lavender. It has a medium grounding and balancing effect.
Active Herbs: Mugwort, Rose Petals, Motherwort, St. John’s Wort, Holy Basil
Why Bear Blend?

It's One Of A Kind

Our blends offer unique combinations of herbs that are tough to find anywhere else—herbs like damiana, passionflower, motherwort, lobelia, calamus, hops and valerian, just to name a few.

It's Certified Organic

If you enjoy high quality products made with integrity, you will love Bear Blend’s certified organic ceremonial blends.  Each batch is handcrafted in our certified organic facility in California, where some of the best herb is grown.

It's Medicinal

Herbs have long been used as a medicine by indigenous peoples to treat physical ailments —and to just feel good.  Several of the herbs in our blends are known for their relaxing effects.

It's Recreational

People love using herbs to enhance the experience of other recreational herbs.  We’re talking about delicious combinations you didn’t even know were possible before.

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