The Tropical AphrodisiacDamiana
The Tropical AphrodisiacTurnera diffusa, commonly known as Damiana, is a fragrant smokable herb with a flavor similar to Cannabis when smoked. It’s a low-growing plant with yellow flowers and fragrant leaves.
Interested in smoking Damiana? Its dried leaves and flowers are commonly smoked as a potent aphrodisiac, heightening sexual rejuvenation and virility.
Historically, early Native Americans in Mexico brewed Damiana as an herbal tea for its energized sexual effects. Studies indicate this herb increases sexual desire and vaginal lubrication in women, and encourages a higher frequency of sexual intercourse and orgasm.
In addition to its sexually rejuvenating effects, smoking Damiana can be a relaxing, soothing, and sedating experience. It produces a light, mild euphoria that’s deeply calming with mellow meditative sensations.
You Can Smoke Damiana…

…with your Weed.
Smoking Damiana with Ganja is the perfect pairing because the flavors and relaxing effects are similar, though more subtle. Not only will it make your bud last longer — saving you precious dough — but the Damiana will also enhance the flavor of the weed while instilling a soothing meditative buzz that enhances the high. Chill out with a Damiana and Ganja spliff, the perfect herbal pairing.

…with your Tobacco.
Damiana pairs excellently with Tobacco, soothing the harshness of the smoke with a medicinal herbal flavor that’s gently soothing. This can be a great trick for weaning off Tobacco over time. Start with a 50 /50 mix of American Spirit Tobacco and Damiana, then gradually reduce the amount of Tobacco down to zero.

…by itself.
Damiana tastes similar to weed and produces a mild euphoria that’s gently similar to a Marijuana high only more subtle. It won’t get you high like Cannabis, but it will soothe and relax you. Damiana is the perfect legal alternative to Ganja.
100% Organic Smokable Damiana
Bear Blend features 100% Certified Organic Damiana as a smokable herb. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this beautiful plant. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!
More From Bear Blend
Bear Blend is made from the finest herbs — fair trade, biodynamic and certified organic by the USDA. Ceremonial blends can be used for smoking, tea, or as incense.  Herbs have been used for centuries to relax and reconnect.
Different Herbs, Plants & Flowers
Unique Smoke Blends
USDA Certified Organic
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Each offers unique flavor and effects

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It's Certified Organic

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