The Fuzzy Beard HerbMullein
The Fuzzy Beard HerbVerbascum thapsus, commonly known as Mullein, is a fuzzy, silvery green leafed herb that has been used in herbal traditions since the time of Dioscorides, over 2,000 years ago. Its generic name, Verbascum, is derived from the Latin word ‘barbascum’ with ‘barba,’ meaning beard — referring to the hairy leaves.
Mullein is a relaxing, calming smoke that soothes the lungs and opens up air passageways. Smooth smoking with a mild flavor and aroma, it is a profound respiratory tonic that opens the lungs and softens cough, soothes irritation and dryness.
The ancient Greek herbal physician Dioscorides first prescribed Mullein practicing medicine in the 1st century in Rome as a treatment for lung conditions. It was commonly smoked by the Navahos, who referred to the herb as “big tobacco.”
This gentle herb is central to European and North American folk medicine, known to be an effective apotropaic (a banisher of evil spirits). It carries a variety of magical qualities — it is thought to instill courage and health, provide protection, increase virility and fertility.
Soft like the skin of a newborn, Mullein is an incredibly healing herb. Tiny hairs on fresh Mullein will actually get into your skin and help you regrow tissue. This herb is commonly grown to repair damaged soil as its roots return nutrients to the earth.
You Can Smoke Mullein…

…with your Weed.
Smoking Mullein with Ganja is relaxing and smoothing. It can help restore lung tissue and ease a cough. It will help make your bud last longer — saving your herb budget — enhancing the flavor while soothing the lungs.

…with your Tobacco.
Mullein pairs perfectly with Tobacco because of its gentle ability to soothe a cough. It features a smooth smoke that removes the harshness of the Tobacco. This can be a great trick for weaning off Tobacco over time. Start with a 50 /50 mix of American Spirit Tobacco and Mullein, then gradually reduce the amount of Tobacco down to zero.

…by itself.
Mullein is a pleasant smoke by itself because it is gentle and soothing to the lungs. It won’t get you high like Cannabis, but the effects are mellow and relaxing, smooth smoking and meditatively calming. It can restore energy while easing stress and tension.
100% Organic Smokable Mullein
Bear Blend features 100% Certified Organic Mullein as a smokable herb. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this soothing, healing plant. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!
More From Bear Blend
Bear Blend is made from the finest herbs — fair trade, biodynamic and certified organic by the USDA. Ceremonial blends can be used for smoking, tea, or as incense. Herbs have been used for centuries to relax and reconnect.
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