Flavorful and EnergizingPeppermint
Flavorful and EnergizingMentha x piperita, commonly known as Peppermint, is a sweet smelling herb with a warm pungent flavor with a cooling and savory aftertaste.
Peppermint is a flavorful, activating herb that rejuvenates the body and mind. And while it’s most commonly brewed as a tea, Peppermint can also be enjoyed as a smoke.
Peppermint is a natural cross between watermint (Mentha aquatica) and spearmint (M. spicata). Also known as Mentha balsamea Wild, it’s cultivated in Europe, Asia, and North America. The herb can be used dried or fresh in teas, added to foods, or enjoyed as a soothing, relaxing smoke with an energetic pep. Peppermint is known to treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Menstrual Cramps. It’s also great for Depression because of its rejuvenating effects.
You Can Smoke Peppermint…

…with your Weed.
Smoking Peppermint with Ganja delivers a rejuvenating energy to your buzz. It can help conserve your bud supply — saving money — and the minty flavor delivers a tasty sensation that’s the perfect pairing to weed. Energize your buzz with the minty rejuvenation of Peppermint.

…with your Tobacco.
Peppermint pairs nicely with Tobacco by introducing a minty flavor that softens the harshness of the smoke. This can be a great trick for weaning off Tobacco over time. Start with a 50 /50 mix of American Spirit Tobacco and Peppermint, then gradually reduce the amount of Tobacco down to zero.

…by itself.
Peppermint is a tasty joy to smoke by itself. It improves blood circulation and relaxes the nerves. It features incredibly healing properties and encourages relaxed breathing by clearing the lungs and respiratory tract.

Peppermint is a beautiful healing herb.
That’s why we love smoking Peppermint!
100% Organic Smokable Peppermint
Bear Blend features 100% Certified Organic Peppermint as a smokable herb. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this amazing herb. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!
More From Bear Blend
Bear Blend is made from the finest herbs — fair trade, biodynamic and certified organic by the USDA. Ceremonial blends can be used for smoking, tea, or as incense.  Herbs have been used for centuries to relax and reconnect.
Different Herbs, Plants & Flowers
Unique Smoke Blends
USDA Certified Organic
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