by Anthony Bear | Nov 11, 2021 | Smoke Signals
11 reasons why 11.11 is an important day 11 reasons why 11.11 is an important day Today is Veteran’s Day. It’s the 11th day of the 11th month. This day feels important for some reason. Why? Here are 11 reasons why we should take some time today to reflect. 1) History...
by Anthony Bear | May 20, 2021 | Smoke Signals
Bear Blend Roots — Is Bear Blend a Native American Owned Company? Bear Blend Roots — Is Bear Blend a Native American Owned Company? My name is Anthony Singing Bear. My great-great grandmother was Apache. I feel deeply connected to a spiritual community of Native...
by Anthony Bear | Apr 14, 2018 | eLiquids
WHATS IN THE LIQUID HERBZ? Our 100% Certified Organic Liquid Herbz are 100% VG (Vegetable Glycerine) Base with our special blend of herbs and organic flavoring. The eLiquid contains absolutely no synthetic chemicals or PG (Propylene Glycol). DOES IT HAVE AN EFFECT?...
by Anthony Bear | Aug 21, 2016 | Bear Blog, Celebrations
Every year, over 100 brown bears make the journey to Katmai National Park in Alaska. Their purpose? To position themselves in perfect alignment with the spawning sockeye salmon to allow those perfect delicious treats to fly effortlessly into their huge mouths. The...
by Anthony Bear | Jun 19, 2016 | Bear Blog
The Amazing Effects of Passion Flower The Amazing Effects of Passion Flower Herbalists have a high regard for the soothing properties of passionflower and recommend it as a general nerve tonic to treat nervous stress. It is known to give a general feeling of...