General Questions

What are Ceremonial Blends?

Bear Blend Ceremonial blends are herbal blends made from common flora from around the world! Raspberry, Mugwort, Mullein, Rose, Catnip, and Lavender are among the many legal, smokable herbs that can be found in our blends. Each blend is tobacco-free, nicotine-free, and additive-free. They can be used in a variety of ways: as a smoke, brewed in water, as a vape alternative, as incense – just to name a few!

Why do people use Bear Blend?

Bear Blend has best become known as a smoking alternative for tobacco or cannabis, but herbs can be used in a multitude of ways! That is what is amazing about herbs and plants – as long as they are treated with respect, their uses are limitless.

Are the herbal blends legal? Will they cause me to fail a drug test?

Any of our Original Seven Blends contain only 100% organic, legal herbs! Those blends would be: Amazon, Dream Lodge, Kin Nik Nik, Mintz, Moon, OG, and Vizion. The Original Seven are safe to consume and do not cause any issues with toxicology screenings.

We do currently have a few products that do contain trace amounts of THC, which could potentially cause issues for those who have screenings. Those products would be the Shaman blend, the Hemp Nugz, and the Healing Sacrament. Essentially, everything in the Hemp section, Please steer clear of any Hemp products, just to be safe.

Is smoking an herbal blend safe?

We encourage everyone to heed to the Surgeon General’s warning: smoking is a health risk. Although our blends are made without additives, chemicals, or pesticides, inhaling smoke is harmful. Please exercise caution.

Our blends are not safe for anyone who is pregnant or breastfeeding. Avoid operating any heavy machinery, including driving, when using these herbs. 

Bear Blend does not have any licensed herbalists or health care professionals on staff. We can not and do not diagnose, prescribe, or make any claims about the herbs or their properties. Please consult with a medical professional about utilizing our blends, especially if you are on medications or if you are or are potentially pregnant.

For more information, please see the Health section below!

How do you smoke herbs?

Herbal blends are a different type of smoke than other smoke options! A lot of that has to do with the way the smokes are produced. More common smokes, such as tobacco and cannabis, both go through a curing process. This process makes sure you’re getting the best smoke, and usually locks in a bit of moisture. The water vapor collects the ash, and is the reason a big cloud of smoke is produced when exhaling. It gives the feeling of a heavy throat hit. That vapor causes tobacco and cannabis to need more heat and a heavier lung pull in order to burn properly.

Conversely, with our dry herb blends, there isn’t that moisture content so there is less resistance to burn. The extra heat or pull that normally would cause a cigarette to light and hold will cause the herbal blends to singe. This negatively affects the taste and the effects. It also means that there isn’t as much visible smoke, as there isn’t any water vapor to collect the ash. You are still getting the effects of the herbs! There is just less ash being inhaled into your lungs.

The best advice is to adjust how you smoke the herbs. We encourage people to “sip” the herbs, rather than inhaling deeply. This will allow the entire blend to burn slowly and evenly.

Can I use herbal blends to quit tobacco?

Herbal blends are a great way to transition off tobacco! We recommend starting with a mix of 50% herbal blend and 50% tobacco.  Depending on how much tobacco smoked a day, some may want to begin with with a higher or lower amount of tobacco. Smoking is a personal experience, so whatever is most comfortable for you!

After a few smokes or a few days, lower the tobacco content for a 40% tobacco and 60% herbal blend mix. Continue to slowly decrease the amount of tobacco until you are smoking 100% herbal blend!

Please keep in mind that tobacco and dry herbs smoke a little differently. Please check out the “How to Smoke Prerolls” for more information!

What kinds of effects should I expect? Will Bear Blend get me high?

To begin, herbs affect every individual differently. Effects vary, although their intention might give you an idea of what to expect. Many of the herbs in our blends are known to soothe and relax, such as skullcap, valerian, and hops. Other herbs are more stimulating and known for their energizing effects, such as yerba mate, peppermint, and calamus. Every herb has its own personality, effects, and specialties, depending on the individual. We encourage everyone to experiment responsibly!

But will it get you high? The short answer is no, these herbal blends are not going to give you that “cannabis” high. That high is fairly unique to cannabis. However, we understand that, in the infamous words of David Wooderson (played by Matthew McConaughey), “it would be a lot cooler if it did.”

How often can you smoke herbs?

Smoking is a personal experience, some people prefer to smoke on occasion and some people can smoke throughout the day. We always recommend that anyone trying a blend to start slow, and to understand your boundaries.So as long as you understand how the herbs affect you, you are safe to smoke it all day if that’s what you want to do!


How do I know what blend is for me?

Blends affect everyone differently, so it can vary! To begin, check out each blend to see what effects you might be looking for!

The Amazon blend is our take on a clove alternative. The clove and vanilla come together for a flavorful and activating blend. A milder blend, it can be used day or night.

Dream Lodge was formed to help create calming and dream-enhancing experiences. It’s considered by most to be more of a nighttime blend, and is probably one of our most popular blends.

The Kin Nik Nik blend has a euphoric, cerebral feel. Intended to help open and expand the third eye, Kin Nik Nik’s herbs are intended to help soothe stress. Although it is a stronger blend, this blend can be used day and night for most people.

The peppermint in the Mintz blend gives it both cooling and stimulating elements. Balanced with flower petals to give it a well-rounded taste, it is a milder blend and can be used around the clock.

Another one of our top sellers, the Moon Ceremonial Blend is our most magical blend. With a medium effect, the Moon brings balance and calmness with a floral taste.

OG is, of course, the first blend created by Bear, and the raison d’etre of Bear Blend itself! The herbs in the OG were included specifically to help repair the damage caused by contemporary cigarettes. It is an aromatic, milder blend.

The Vizion blend is meant to with focus and energy. With herbs such as skullcap and yerba mate, it is considered one of the stronger blends and best enjoyed during the day. 

If it helps, try some sample sizes to try a few grams before committing to the whole blend!

Can an herbalist at Bear Blend help me find a blend to start with?

To start, Bear Blend does not have any licensed herbalists or health care professionals on staff. We can not and do not diagnose, prescribe, or make any claims about the herbs or their properties. Please consult with a medical professional about utilizing our blends, especially if you are on medications or if you are or are potentially pregnant.

That being said, we are happy to make recommendations based on what we’ve heard from customers over the years! Please reach out to [email protected] with what you might be looking for, and we’d be happy to tell you what others have thought!

If you think to, please send any feedback to us as well, or leave a review! It really helps build the community and gives direction to some people who might appreciate some guidance!

How long are herbal blends good for?

If kept in good conditions (cooler or room temperature in dry, dark area), the blends don’t necessarily go bad, but they can lose potency! 

We do label each blend best buy date, blends are at their highest potency for 24 months, and slowly taper off from there. So even if the date is coming up, rather than going bad, the blends’ effects will lower in strength.

Is there a store that sells Bear Blend in my area?

You can find stores that carry Bear Blend here!

Is Bear Blend a Native American owned company?

The company was started by Anthony Singing Bear, a farmer, musician, and herbalist. Although he has Native heritage, he was not raised in an indigenous or Native American community. Like many Americans, he is a blend of different cultures and traditions. Bear developed the blend more than 20 years ago and worked with many medicinal herbalists and ceremonialists along the way, several of whom are Native American.

People often assume a Native American relationship because of the name “Bear” and because of the word Ceremonial.  Although his great grandmother was Apache, Bear did not grow up with any Tribal affiliation. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, Bear’s dad is a first generation Italian American who was adopted into the Hungarian Bear clan (originally spelled Beres). His Mom was born in Texas and grew up in LA.  She discovered her Native heritage years later and did some soul work to spiritually connect —  that was how she found the name Singing Bear, which helped to send Anthony on a spiritual path. 

Herbs are a part of every culture. It has only been recently in our human history that we have started to forget the language of plants. We are on a mission to bring this awareness and connection back to everyone. We believe that we all have an innate understanding of plant medicines. It is in your DNA, because it is a part of everyone’s history and heritage. Bear Blend is here to remind you.

You can read more about this here.

What about cultural misappropriation?

There is a lot of this kind of sentiment going on right now and we get where it comes from. There is so much pain and distrust in indigenous cultures around the world. So many people around the world struggling for their identity and culture. It is not something that we could ever fully understand. The path that we have decided to pursue is one of inclusivity and mutual respect, to honor all people’s traditions and where they come from.

We are not claiming to belong or draw from any one tradition with our brand and our products. We are attempting to forge a path towards a new tradition of inclusivity.

First, we are not claiming to be Native American or attempting to use exclusively Native American iconography or imagery. Bears are actually a part of almost every indigenous culture in the world and in fact are just as iconic to the Sami people of Northern Eurasia. In fact, representations of Bear Medicine is a common thread in cultures from the Far East to the Far West and North to South.

Also, the truth is that these blends were created by our founder, Anthony Singing Bear — a name given to him by his mother. So they are literally Bear’s Blends.

Secondly ceremonial herbs are a part of every culture on the planet — from Taoists to Hindus, Muslims to Catholics, and Shamans to Wiccan Priests. To claim ceremonial herbs as specific only to one tribe or region is not accurate. Ceremonial herbs are universal and our blends draw from many different traditions. For example, our KinNikNik is inspired by the Dakota use of Bearberry but our Moon Blend is inspired by a more Celtic or Wiccan use of magical herbs in ceremony.

The truth is that, in modern America, we are all guilty of constant cultural misappropriation. If you ever smoked tobacco or did yoga or burnt some sage or did a sweat, you have partaken in the reinvention of some ancient tradition that has been adapted to the new era. The melting pot that is most American human’s DNA does not have a definite through line into a clear cultural heritage. Most of us are mixed up and confused by our identity and heritage. And pure breeds of any specific culture have become more and more rare.

This is the bigger struggle.

As people around the world lose touch with their traditions, how can we create new traditions for our children that instill a deeper connection to nature and community? How can we move forward when so many cultures and identities are all mixed up and diluted? Do we define new rituals? New prayers? Is it ok to draw from old ones? To adapt ancient traditions into modern diverse communities?

Our belief is that every human has the right to pursue whatever spiritual path they choose. They may follow whichever teachings from the elders that resonate with them. We should not deny people the right to walk their own path towards spiritual balance. And this is indeed how we will keep these teachings alive as they are bred and gentrified from humanity. It is the stories that must endure if any of the teaching of our elders are to survive. Don’t you agree?

We are truly sorry if you are offended in any way by the presentation of our brand on our website. But we are not some big corporate hog. We are a small team of spiritual revolutionaries trying to walk a path of balance and doing our best to keep an herbal tradition alive and to share it with others. And, we have received the blessing from a number of spiritual elders from many traditions including the Native American Church.

But we are not trying to pretend to be what we are not. We are only trying to preserve our ancient heritage and connection to herbal knowledge. And to forge a new path of inclusivity and connection.

If there is something that we are missing in this dialogue or some way that we can improve and be more inclusive, please let us know. We are only doing our best to walk the good path and help others to learn about herbs and the importance of ritual.

Questions about the Loose Blends and Herbs

How do people use or smoke the loose blends or herbs?

People enjoy the herbs in all sorts of ways! They can be used as a smoke, brewed in water, as a vape alternative, as incense – just to name a few! 

Much like the uses, the ways to smoke herbs are expansive! Rolling up with a paper, using a dry or water pipe, vaporizing, it’s more about personal preference. The only real difference is how you smoke herbs! Our herbs are a little different than cannabis and tobacco in that they contain very little moisture. Cannabis and tobacco usually go through a curing process, which gives both some moisture content. That content is a lot of the reason there’s a big cloud of smoke and the heavier throat hit. The water vapor collects the ash and pulls the combination into the lungs. It also means tobacco/cannabis need a bit more heat and a heavier lung pull in order to burn properly.

Conversely, with our dry herb blends, there is less resistance to burn. The extra heat or pull will cause the herbs to singe, which negatively affects the taste and the effects. The only thing I would recommend is to “sip” on the herbs, and maybe even try using a hemp wick if you have one! Hemp wicks are great for controlling the heat and don’t produce the same butane taste as lighters.

Can I mix more herbs into a blend?

Although we have created each blend with intention, if you really want to, go for it! We encourage people to safely experiment with herbs! 

The only piece of advice is to understand how the herbs affect you, as some herbs can be more potent than others. Herbs such as lobelia are better left in small amounts. That doesn’t mean that Lobelia is necessarily bad for you! Please see the Health section for more information.

Are there any dry herb vapes that you recommend?

We have heard about good experiences with many differenct devices, but we do have one dry herb electric piece that was created with Bear Blend in mind – Cipher’s NOVA! They have created a piece that works with all sorts of herbs, both cured and dried. 

What is this styrofoam piece in my blend?

The pieces you’re probably referring to are the inside core stem of the mugwort! When we process the mugwort, the thicker stems break up and get sifted out, but a little bit of what’s on the inside of the stem (porous plant matter) gets mixed into the batch. It’s just not big enough for the sifter to catch. The pieces are not styrofoam, or vermiculite.  They are just part of the mugwort plant.  It is harmless to smoke and is part of the herbs, even though it looks funny!

Questions about the Herbal Cigarettes and Rolliez

How do you smoke the prerolls?

Smoking herbal prerolls should be approached a little differently than more common smokes! Our herbs are a little different than cannabis and tobacco in that they contain very little moisture. Cannabis and tobacco usually go through a curing process and to give it some moisture content. That content is a lot of the reason there’s a big cloud of smoke and the heavier throat hit. It also means tobacco/cannabis need a bit more heat and a heavier lung pull in order to burn properly.

You do not to pull on the pre-rolls like you might a cigarette. They’ll start to canoe, and the heat can singe the herbs. That affects both the taste and the intended effects. It’s better to lightly “sip” the herbs to get the best experience! Without the water vapor to pull ash into your lungs, there won’t be as much smoke. That does not mean you aren’t getting the benefits of the herbs, there is just less ash being inhaled into your lungs.

What are the Herbal Cigarettes’ papers and filters made of?

Our new Herbal Cigarettes are made with 100% natural Hemp paper and filter! These filters and papers do not contain any CBD or THC in them. 

What are the Rolliez’ papers and crutches made of?

We use RAW cones and crutches for our Rolliez! These RAW cones are unbleached and unrefined, and made from a blend of unbleached fibers and finished with a natural gum line. RAW Rolling Papers have no added chalk or dyes.

Why is the preroll burning unevenly?

That might be because the preroll is being pulled a little too hard. Smoking dry herbs is different than smoking cigarettes, and that extra pull will singe the herbs! Instead of pulling, try lightly inhaling the herbs.

Questions about the Liquid Herbz and Chew

How can you use the Liquid Herbz?

Much like the herbal blends, there are a few ways to enjoy the Liquid Herbz! They can be added to water, they can be used sublingually, and some people enjoy vaping them!

It’s important to note that the Liquid Herbz are one of the more potent forms of the herbal blends. It’s best to start small (maybe a half of a dropper to a dropper full) to understand your boundaries! 

What is the Chew like? What is the difference between Herbal and tobacco chew?

Our Herbal Chew is not really like tobacco chew. First, the Herbal Chew is also more potent than our dry herbal blends, so starting small is key. Second, it doesn’t have the same resin feel, it’s more of a loose leaf approach. It also don’t necessarily have the same intensity that tobacco chew does. Finally, our Herbal Chew is edible. You’re welcome to consume it, although that is up to personal preference!

Although some people enjoy the Chew loose, others do not! If you’re not a fan of loose Chew, tea bags or making pouches out of cheese cloth might help. You can tuck the chew into the pouches and still receive the benefits with less of a mess!

What are the best settings for vaping the Liquid Herbz?

To begin answering this question, you need to know which type of vaping device you have. There are the classic set-ups, and then there are the newer “sub-Ohm” set-ups. The settings depend on what type of set up you have.

For the classic, standard kits, we’ve found that a coil with 2.5ohms works best. With a sub-ohm kit, higher wattage is needed to balance out the lower resistance. We recommend between 50-80W, with best results coming in between 65W-75W. 

Please note that herbs burn at lower temperatures than other smokable offerings. Using lower heat is also recommended, but as always, it is up to personal preference!

Questions about the CBD Lines

Will the CBD products cause me to fail a drug test?

The answer is potentially yes! As our CBD products contain trace amounts of THC, we do not recommend any of our CBD products to anyone who has a toxicology test. The blends to avoid are: Shaman in any form, Hemp Nugz, and the Healing Sacrament line.

The Original Seven blends are made with only 100% legal herbs and are safe to consume! Those blends are: Amazon, Dream Lodge, Kin Nik Nik, Mintz, Moon, OG, and Vizion.

Can you ship CBD internationally?

Unfortunately, we do not ship our CBD products internationally. They contain more THC than is allowed in most countries, and we don’t want any part of an order to be confiscated by customs.

Domestic Shipping Questions

Can I return products?

We are able to process returns on any undamaged, unopened products! Unfortunately, we cannot accept open products back into the warehouse. Please email [email protected] with a request to begin the return process. After confirming the return and receiving a Return Reference Number, please pack the products safely and return them to our warehouse at:

Bear Blend

Attn: Returns – (Return Reference Number)

4901 Morena Blvd. Ste 1104

San Diego, CA 92117

Once we receive the products back and are able to inspect them for damage, we can issue a refund.

Can I cancel my order?

We can cancel orders before they are shipped! If you’d like to cancel an order, please email us with the request immediately at [email protected], along with your order number. Customer service makes sure to check all requests before pack and ship processes orders, and will be able to assist with the request before pack and ship begins!

However, once an order has been processed and a tracking number has been sent out, we cannot cancel the order. We do accept returns on unopened products, please see “Can I return products?” for more information.

Can I update my shipping address if I entered it incorrectly?

We can edit orders before they have been shipped! If you’d like to update your address, please email us with the request immediately at [email protected], along with your order number. Customer service makes sure to check all requests before pack and ship processes orders, and will be able to assist with the request before pack and ship begins processing orders for the day.

How much does shipping cost?

All retail orders shipping within the United States and its territories that total $49.00 USD or more are eligible for free shipping! 

For orders under $49, shipping varies. If it helps, try adding small extras or even some sample sizes to boost your order up past that minimum!

How fast does shipping take in the U.S. and its territories?

Pack and ship operates Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We work with the United States Postal Service, or USPS to make deliveries. USPS usually delivers within 3-5 business days once they receive the package. 

If you’d like to request another service, please contact [email protected]. We’re happy to send over shipping quotes for your review!

It’s been a few days and USPS tracking says that they haven’t received the package, is that normal?

There are a few reasons that this might be the case! The first reason is that USPS can take 24-48 hours to update the package’s location, so it could be on its way to the facility. We’ve also seen cases where USPS has skipped the original scan-in. After a few days, the package pops up closer to the recipient’s address and is delivered within the next day or so.

Another reason is that we make our herbal blends in small batches, and we run out of stock! When that happens, it might take a few days to make sure we have all the materials to get everything out in a timely manner. If you’re looking for an update, please email [email protected] and they can try and find out where your package is!

What does the shipping packaging look like? Can I get discrete packaging?

We understand that some people may be in a situation where they prefer discretion! All of our shipments are mailed in a plain manilla bubble envelope or a brown box, depending on the size of the package. Although the packages themselves aren’t covered in branding, we do have some references to Bear Blend on the label. 

If you are concerned, please leave a note in the Order Notes section of your order requesting discrete packaging. Pack and ship does their best to honor every request, however, Bear Blend will still be the return address. If you want, please leave an extra note to “white out the Return Company Name”. It may look a little funny, but no mention of Bear Blend will be on the exterior packaging!

International Shipping Questions

Do you ship outside of the U.S.?

We do ship to most countries! We use United States Postal Service International, which works with the receiving country’s local postal service to clear customs and make deliveries. 

It is important to point out that once the receiving country’s postal system receives a package for customs clearance, we lose tracking updates! Each country has its own unique scanning system and procedure, and international tracking is usually not available. 

If you would like, we can arrange for other international delivery services! Please email [email protected] and we can send over some quotes for you to review. The most common request is DHL. DHL is faster (3-5 business days), but they always charge taxes and duties and it can get incredibly expensive very quickly. They will charge more for both delivery and customs and taxes.

How much does international shipping cost?

International shipping varies by country and by weight of the package being shipped! Unfortunately, it can be a little expensive. To make sure you’re getting the best price available, please email [email protected]. We’d be happy to review and send over some quotes!

How long does international shipping take?

International shipments’ timelines can vary, depending on the receiving country and their customs clearance capabilities. United States Postal Service International claims to take up to 6 weeks for delivery. The usual timeline is 2-4 weeks, but it really depends on the receiving country’s customs process. 

If you would like, we can arrange for other international delivery services! Please email [email protected] and we can send over some quotes for you to review. The most common request is DHL. DHL is faster (3-5 business days), but they always charge taxes and duties and it can get incredibly expensive very quickly. They will charge more for both delivery and customs and taxes.

How can I request faster shipping?

Please reach out to [email protected]! All we need to know is what you’d like to order and the zip code and country associated with the shipment’s destination. We’re always happy to send over extra information!

What happens if my package does not arrive within the 6 weeks?

We do take insurance out on every package, so we can file a claim! If it has been over 40 days since your shipment was created, please email [email protected] to begin the process.

Once we know that the package wasn’t received, we will contact the insurance agency to give them all the necessary information. There is a small survey for you to fill out, confirming that you never received the package. Once you have completed the survey, we can make arrangements for a reshipment or a refund, whichever you prefer!

Can I update my shipping address if I entered it incorrectly?

We can edit orders before they have been shipped! If you’d like to update your address, please email us with the request immediately at [email protected], along with your order number. Customer service makes sure to check all requests before pack and ship processes orders, and will be able to assist with the request before pack and ship begins processing orders for the day.

Can I cancel my order?

We can cancel orders before they are shipped! If you’d like to cancel an order, please email us with the request immediately at [email protected], along with your order number. Customer service makes sure to check all requests before pack and ship processes orders, and will be able to assist with the request before pack and ship begins!

However, once an order has been processed and a tracking number has been sent out, we cannot cancel the order. We do accept returns on unopened products, please see “Can I return products?” for more information.

Will there be import taxes?

Import taxes vary from country to country! It is very difficult to ascertain if there will be import taxes, although if you choose DHL, there will absolutely be customs fees and taxes.

Wholesale Questions
Do you offer wholesale accounts?

We do offer wholesale accounts, you can apply for one here! We work with quite a few different stores: smoke shops, health food stores, apothecaries, gift shops, and more. 

We do have customers write in asking about stores in their area, and we love to send them to any one on our map and support local businesses! Once the first order is made, we add any new wholesalers to the “Where to Buy” map for anyone to see!

What kind of wholesale accounts are available?

Our most common account is a wholesale account, but we do have a few distributors as well! Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions or want to request more information.

What items are available for wholesale?

We sell all of our product lines wholesale, as well as bulk loose blends and prerolls! We also have some promotional materials, such as posters, stickers, informational trifolds, and more. If you’d like some promotional material with your order, please leave a comment in the Order Notes, and we’ll send some over!

Is there a minimum order quantity?

There are some product minimums on our website. As a wholesale account, there is a $150.00 minimum. You can always send any POs to [email protected] and we’re happy to work with you!

Do you sell blends in bulk?

Yes, we do have the ability to sell both the loose blends and prerolls in bulk for select customers! Please reach out to [email protected] for more information.

Health-Related Questions

Is it safe to use herbal blends while pregnant or breastfeeding?

We strongly advise against smoking anything during pregnancy. This includes tobacco, cannabis, CBD, and Bear Blend products. 

In addition, we caution against the use of certain herbs in any form during pregnancy.  The following is a list of herbs recommended to be avoided during pregnancy, as researched by the University of Texas El Paso: (

Although not the same list of herbs, the herbs on the follow list are considered unsafe to take in any form while breastfeeding:,

As with any health condition we encourage you to consult a trusted physician, listen to your body’s rhythms, and always take responsibility for your health and well-being.

Is it safe to use Lobelia?

It has been claimed that in large quantities, Lobelia can cause nausea and vomiting.  In small quantities, however, Lobelia can be beneficial. It can act as a replacement for tobacco for those trying to quit cigarettes, as the herb binds to the same pleasure receptors in the brain as nicotine.  The blends that contain Lobelia are the OG Bear Blend, Dream Lodge, Vizion, Mintz, Amazon, Shaman, and Kin Nik Nik.  The amount of Lobelia contained in these blends is less than 1% of the total formula of the blend, and the Lobelia in a tin of Bear Blend is far below a level that could induce nausea.  

For more information on the history of Lobelia use and its study as a medicinal herb, this is a good read from world-renowned medical herbalist Paul Bergner.

You can learn more about Lobelia here.

Is it safe to use Calamus?

It is true that Calamus was banned as a food additive in 1968 by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Another herb that seems to have been labeled as toxic by the powers that be.  The reason behind this is unclear though, as there is no scientific evidence or any verified reports of Calamus toxicity.  To the contrary, in fact — this study investigated acute and chronic toxicity of Calamus in rats after 90 days, and found the following:

The present investigation demonstrates that the traditional medicine, the ethanolic extract of Acorus calamus lack potential toxicity, as it neither cause any lethality nor changes the general behavior in both the acute and chronic toxicity studies.

Shah, et al.: Toxicity of Acorus calamus 35 International Journal of Green Pharmacy | January-March 2012 |

Link to the study:

In general, Calamus is an uplifting and energizing herb.  Calamus has a long history of medicinal and culinary use.  Perhaps the main reason it has been labeled toxic could be attributed to the fact that in large doses calamus has been known to be mildly hallucinogenic.

You certainly are safe with our blends, as they contain only a small percentage of Calamus — less than 1% by weight.

Here is more information on Calamus.

Are the herbs safe for pets to consume?

Pets, especially cats, sometimes are very interested in the blends. Usually, they’re most interested in the blends with catnip, so make sure to store your tins in a safe area where paws can’t get to! In the event that a pet does get into the blends, keep calm and contact your pet health professional if you think anything is wrong. Pets can have allergies, too!

Most of us here at Bear Blend have pets, and we’ve never had issues at home with our blends.

If you have a different question for us, please send us a message!

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