Eagle Medicine: How to Channel Winged Magic and Soar the Sky
Eagle Medicine: How to Channel Winged Magic and Soar the Sky

At Bear Blend, we couldn’t agree more with that proud great American bird of a Muppet. You people are freaking freaks.
That’s why we love you.
You’re special; you’re magical, just like the energy of the Eagle – not just Sam, but all those great sky wizards of majesty.
Eagles are medicine spirits living high above the Earth, soaring like gods over mankind and our ridiculous little problems.
A powerful medicine animal totem, the Eagle is a spiritual guide who watches over the Earth with piercing clairvoyant vision, seeing through, into, and beyond the Spiritual realm, binding us in the majesty of the cobalt blue sky, radiating the sunshine of wisdom’s pure light.
The wisdom of the Eagle Medicine Totem holds profound significance for our modern lives, offering guidance and insights that meaningfully bind us to the traditions of our ancestors. Known universally as a symbol of freedom, power, and transcendence, the Eagle’s spirit elevates our perspective, inspiring our minds to soar above the mundane to embrace a transcendent view of our existence.
Want to give your imagination a lift, get high off your inner you? Channel your inner Eagle medicine magic.
Revered by many cultures and spiritual traditions, this majestic bird embodies the essence of vision, strength, and renewal. Tap into the wisdom of the Eagle Medicine Totem and learn from her remarkable ability to fly higher than any other bird.
Why Eagle Feathers Are as Unique as Fingerprints
Manifested mysticism, the Eagle is a symbol of love, honor, and bravery. In many Native American traditions, a groom would give his bride an Eagle feather as a token of their life-long union.
(A word of advice – don’t try trading Eagle feathers at your hippie-dippy Wiccan wedding. Since Eagles are directly protected under two Federal laws: the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, the possession, use, and sale of eagle feathers are generally prohibited by law, although there are exceptions for members of federally protected tribes who use the feathers for spiritual and religious ceremonies.)
Eagle feathers are as unique as fingerprints – no two Eagle feathers are alike, aside from the “twin feathers” found on each wing of the Eagle. It’s this unique blend of individuality that makes the Eagle a powerful ascendant of Spiritual creativity. We are each an individual feather – created by the inspiration of the spirit of our ancestors.
Eagle Medicine and a Well-Balanced Spirit
In the tradition of herbal medicine and holistic wellness, the Eagle Medicine Totem reminds us of the importance of maintaining a balanced perspective on health and well-being, mindful wellness convalescing body, mind and soul.
Eagles possess incredibly keen vision, capable of discerning intricate details from miles above the skyline. The eagle’s ability to renew itself, symbolized by the legendary renewal of its feathers, speaks to the potential for rejuvenation and healing inherent in natural remedies and traditional herbal practices.
Like the feathers of an Eagle, we are all reborn, continually changing reincarnated visions of ourselves, evolving and manifesting new beginnings from one core tiny seed.
In many cultures, Eagles are thought to be clairvoyants, messengers of the gods, because they are the animal that flies closest to the Sun in sync with the wisdom of the Universe.
Harnessing the Warrior Instincts of the Eagle Medicine Totem
The Eagle is wise and focused. When you connect with the magic of the Eagle Medicine Totem, you harness the true energies, intuitions, and clairvoyance of a wise warrior.
The Eagle will teach you how to defend yourself and help reveal renewed perspective in the healing of an unresolved situation. Its medicine is powerful at bringing sorrow and conflict back into balance. The Eagle’s hailing, circular flight rides the patterns of synchronicity like the aging grooves of a tree spiraling out into wise thickness, year after year.
Eagles soar to heights of over 6,000 meters, circling for hours and hours high above the Earth. That’s their day in the office, their version of “Work in Tall Buildings” that made John Hartford cry. At ascendant heights, Eagles can spot a rabbit over two miles away – read its fur like a novel in a lap.
The Eagle fosters powerful magic and manifests omens that open portals into the hidden meanings of the spiritual world. It is the fetish animal of Shamans because of its heightened vision of clairvoyance. Connecting to the power of the Eagle Medicine Totem can reveal powerful truths, leading to spiritual enlightenment and a heightened awareness of the Spiritual energy that binds us all.
Observe clarity, recognize patterns, understand the deeper meanings behind your experiences. Eagle Medicine fosters a deeper connection with the Divine, that hidden inner magic playing in the background of your experience beneath fixed reality. It’s what makes all things possible, what connects the electrons around the core pivot of the atom, embodying energy to become matter incarnate.
Release yourself from the core perspective of the ground. Soar and channel your inner magic as you open yourself to the spirit of Infinite potential.
Smoking herbs can be a great tool for harnessing these inner worlds by forcing us to sit, chill, and introspect. Smokable herbs can channel the inner magic that makes all things possible.
Fly high with a vision that can spot the petals on a dandelion miles in the distance. Imagination harnesses the vision of hidden truth if we open our eyes to look.

Mathew Gallagher
Wordsmith Specialist
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Great piece! The timing was very synchronized with an Eagle encounter I recently had. Thank you.
Wow, that was such an adventure. I often get bored reading little stories on my phone, but the way you write kept me along for the ride, and wanting more. If there were an Olympics for writers, you would be a gold medalist. Thank you for teaching me this wisdom
I’ve been visited by an eagle in many meditations this year, giving me profound insights. Thank you for this article. It was a great reminder to stay on course.♡
The eagle is revered across the world, the Golden Eagle in particular is seen all over the northern hemisphere, it’s better to focus on that than to go on about Native American culture as a non-native, but I can tell the author means well.