Herbal Smoking Blends: A Tobacco Free Smoke Alternative

Mix your cannabis with our herbal smoking blends instead of tobacco. The Tobacco-less Spliff.
Control your buzz with healthier lungs.
What’s a Tobacco-less Spliff, Anyway?
Answer:Â Any joint mixed with an herbal tobacco alternative that doesn’t kill you.
Introducing herbal smoking blends. Mugwort, valerian, mullein, lavender, calendula flowers — really any mixture of herbal smoking blends — will do. Put it in your pipe — or spliff — and smoke it.
Mix your cannabis with our herbal smoking blends instead of tobacco. The Tobacco-less Spliff.
Control your buzz with healthier lungs.

What’s a Tobacco-less Spliff, anyway?
Answer:Â Any joint mixed with an herbal tobacco alternative that doesn’t kill you.
Mugwort, valerian, mullein, lavender, calendula flowers — really any mixture of herbal smoking blends — will do. Put it in your pipe — or spliff — and smoke it.

As a red-blooded American, I didn’t really know what a spliff was until my late ’20s. I always thought it was just cool Rasta-slang for a ginormous coner to pass around a party like a Beastie Boy mic.Â
“Excuse me while I light my spliff; good God I gotta take a lift,” goes the Bob Marley classic Easy Skanking. “From reality I just can’t drift; that’s why I’m staying with this riff.”

Europeans and Their Bloody Spliffs Â
It wasn’t until a couple of English blokes crashed on my couch during the W. Bush administration that I realized Europeans couldn’t handle their weed…
…or at least not a straight joint packed to the brim with herb. The idea of smoking straight ganja — not in a spliff mixed with tobacco — was just crazy to them.
These chaps were hitching across the States — trying to wrap their mind around George W. and post 9-11 America. However, they somehow couldn’t wrap their lips around a joint rolled from pure ganja — without floating away into dreamland mid-sentence.
Maybe it’s just me & my Yankee ways, but why mix a natural medicine with a toxic poison that might kill you?
Weird Science: The Effect of Cannabis on the Lungs
Remember DARE officers? And that burnout in the back of the class coughing bullshit into his fist?
Turns out that guy was more right than he even knew. In low to moderate doses, cannabis is actually healthy for the lungs, especially compared to the ill-effects of tobacco.
Despite what they told you in the 7th grade, science has found cannabis actually doesn’t cause cancer. In fact, it can actually lower cancer risk and improve lung capacity.Â
A 2006 UCLA study found no increased risk of cancer in marijuana smokers. To the contrary, researchers actually found lower rates in light to moderate tokers compared to people who smoked neither.
And a 2012 UCLA study found smoking cannabis did not impair lung function. In fact, low to moderate use improves lung capacity.
These studies suggest two things. First, some researcher at UCLA has some really good kush. And more importantly, depending on the amount smoked, cannabis can actually help build healthy lungs.
Smoking tobacco, on the other hand, is linked to 80 to 90% of all lung cancer deaths. Hate to break it to you, but that pack of Marlboro Reds increases your risk of lung cancer 50 to 30 times, according to the Center for Disease Control & Prevention.
Tobacco actively destroys the number of air spaces and blood vessels in the lungs, so you literally breathe less oxygen. Fun, right?
The fact of the matter is simple: Cigarettes are killing you. And all the Camel Cash you save? Just cartoon funeral pallbearers that will someday dance on your grave.
Ready to quit smoking cigarettes? You can do it the easy way with herbal blends.Â
5 Reasons to Try a Tobacco-less Spliff
There are good reasons to cut ganja with an herbal smoke instead of tobacco — the Tobacco-less Spliff. Let’s splice ’em and dice ’em.
1. Baby boomers can dial in the right amount of chill
More and more baby boomers are toking up. As of 2017, Americans age 55 to 64 smoke more cannabis than teenagers. Marijuana has become medically available and even legal in many states. The Grand Funk Railroad generation no longer relies on their kids’ high school friends to score them awesome bud.
Yet most baby boomers grew up smoking “grass” back when weed looked like something scraped off the bottom of a Lawn Boy.
At 33% THC, strains like Northern Lights might just blow your peace loving Alderaan to Kingdom-Come. May the Force be with you with an herbal smoking blend mixed into a lighter spliff.

1. Baby boomers can dial in the right amount of chill

More and more baby boomers are toking up. As of 2017, Americans age 55 to 64 smoke more cannabis than teenagers. Marijuana has become medically available and even legal in many states. The Grand Funk Railroad generation no longer relies on their kids’ high school friends to score them awesome bud.
Yet most baby boomers grew up smoking “grass” back when weed looked like something scraped off the bottom of a Lawn Boy.
At 33% THC, strains like Northern Lights might just blow your peace loving Alderaan to Kingdom-Come. May the Force be with you with an herbal smoking blend mixed into a lighter spliff.

2. You can better gauge your mellow
Even if you’re not a baby boomer — just a light to moderate smoker — you might prefer to mellow out the spiked THC in higher grade medicinal strains. This can help control feelings of paranoia, sleepiness, or feeling like a “toad on a stool” — lost to party conversation and the world around in general. Get the right buzz — not too much — with an herbal smoking blend.
2. You can better gauge your mellow

Even if you’re not a baby boomer — just a light to moderate smoker — you might prefer to mellow out the spiked THC in higher grade medicinal strains. This can help control feelings of paranoia, sleepiness, or feeling like a “toad on a stool” — lost to party conversation and the world around in general. Get the right buzz — not too much — with an herbal smoking blend.
3. You conserve bud and balance your herb budget
Let’s face it. Medical marijuana is expensive — and not covered by Obamacare. By mixing your ganja with herbal smoking blends, you can help balance your cannabis budget. Herbal smoke is a nice alternative when you just want to puff on something — but not burn through an entire quarter in one night.

3. You conserve bud and balance your herb budget

Let’s face it. Medical marijuana is expensive — and not covered by Obamacare. By mixing your ganja with herbal smoking blends, you can help balance your cannabis budget. Herbal smoke is a nice alternative when you just want to puff on something — but not burn through an entire quarter in one night.

4. People looking to quit smoking cannabis may prefer an herbal smoking alternative
For 90% of the toking population, cannabis is non-addictive. Yet 1 in 10 tokers are addicted — smoking compulsively and problematically, according to the National Cannabis Industry Association. That number is slightly less than alcohol, with 1 in 8 adults being alcoholics. Â
Like Alcoholics Anonymous, there’s Marijuana Anonymous (MA) — designed for people who wish to stop smoking weed. It follows a 12-step program with regular meetings centered around social sharing and sponsorship. Meetings tend to be done in a circle-focused setting. Recovering stoners relax on couches and chairs. But instead of passing around a joint, they share what’s bothering them with like-minded people who have been there too.
For people who want to quit weed, Bear Blend products offer a nice alternative to smoke, without the high. Herbal smoking blends help mitigate compulsion, fulfill a desire for ceremony, and give your fingers something to pass to the left.
4. People looking to quit smoking cannabis may prefer an herbal smoking alternative

For 90% of the toking population, cannabis is non-addictive. Yet 1 in 10 tokers are addicted — smoking compulsively and problematically, according to the National Cannabis Industry Association. That number is slightly less than alcohol, with 1 in 8 adults being alcoholics. Â
Like Alcoholics Anonymous, there’s Marijuana Anonymous (MA) — designed for people who wish to stop smoking weed. It follows a 12-step program with regular meetings centered around social sharing and sponsorship. Meetings tend to be done in a circle-focused setting. Recovering stoners relax on couches and chairs. But instead of passing around a joint, they share what’s bothering them with like-minded people who have been there too.
For people who want to quit weed, Bear Blend products offer a nice alternative to smoke, without the high. Herbal smoking blends help mitigate compulsion, fulfill a desire for ceremony, and give your fingers something to pass to the left.
5. You can cocktailize your vibe with other mellow herbs
Bear Blend products are completely legal and obviously don’t get you high. But many have subtle effects on mood and relaxation. Tarragon, for example, can increase appetite and relieve insomnia. Mugwort is known as the Dream Herb, because it actually stimulates the part of the brain responsible for remembering dreams. Mullein is known as a lung cleansing herb, even when smoked. And there are countless others with their own unique medicinal qualities. Many herbs help to increase various medicinal properties in medical grade cannabis. By mixing your cannabis with herbal smoking blends in a tobacco-less spliff, you can supplement many of its benefits. Â
Happy smoking!

5. You can cocktailize your vibe with other mellow herbs

Bear Blend products are completely legal and obviously don’t get you high. But many have subtle effects on mood and relaxation. Tarragon, for example, can increase appetite and relieve insomnia. Many herbs help to increase various medicinal properties in medical grade cannabis. By mixing your cannabis with herbal smoking blends in a tobacco-less spliff, you can supplement many of its benefits. Â
Happy smoking!

Mathew Gallagher
Wordsmith Specialist
A freelance writer for hire, Matt Gallagher is the face and voice behind Web Copy Magician. He enjoys Bear Blend as a tea to spiritually reconnect with nature and the therapeutic wonders of chlorophyll.
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- The Ceremony of Smoking Herbal Blends | Smoke Signals - […] pipe, dry herb vaporizer, organic rolling paper, or a water pipe. You can also mix the herbs with cannabis…
- Black Lives Matter: The New Jim Crow of Legal Cannabis | Bear Blend - […] Pass the weed; share the love. Black lives matter — we’re all in this together. […]
- The Ceremony of Smoking Herbal Blends | Bear Blend - […] pipe, dry herb vaporizer, organic rolling paper, or a water pipe. You can also mix the herbs with cannabis…
- Love Cannabis? 5 Groovy Ways to Save on Bud in a Pandemic | Bear Blend - […] can mix herbs with your ganja via the tobaccoless spliff, or you can throw both herbs and cannabis into…
- Black Lives Matter: The New Jim Crow of Legal Cannabis - […] Pass the weed; share the love. Black lives matter — we’re all in this together. […]
- Look and Feel Fresh This Summer With CBD - […] the tree and be one with the bark. Mix Bear Blend with tobacco to kick the cigarette monkey, or…
- Make Smoking Cool Again: Free the Herb & Be Happy - […] the tree and be one with the bark. Mix Bear Blend with tobacco to kick the cigarette monkey, or…
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I thoroughly enjoyed your interesting and well thought-out spliff spiel.
I’m sold.
Hello what would be like if I asked you the closest thing to get to add to light ganja
Sorry not light just other words STROng with my spiff
Hi D. I’m not exactly sure what you are asking. If you are looking for our strongest blends, I would recommend Dream Lodge or Kin Nik Nik. All of our blends are great for a tobacco-less spliff!