Using Herbs to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

by Mar 1, 2019Smoke Signals19 comments

Want to Quit Smoking? How Herbal Blends Can Soothe Your Nicotine Fix

With an organic herbal smoking blend alternative, you can quit smoking tobacco — and not be a flaming A-hole in the process.

Seen this ad before?

“I’m Henry Hill, and I quit smoking with a pharmaceutical — side effects may include farting, seizures, and heart attacks….”

You don’t need to be a Hollywood movie star or a Wise Guy to wonder if there’s a better way to quit smoking than a freaking heart-fart attack.

Can you effectively quit smoking cigarettes with a tobacco alternative like an herbal smoking blend?

Stats to Cough On

Using herbs to quit smoking by slowly replacing tobacco over time drastically increases your chances of quitting.  In fact, quitting smoking by the numbers can be a little intimidating. Odds are if you white-knuckle a smoking fix, you’re bound to fail — 9 times out of 10.

About 70% of the 46 million smokers in the US want to quit. Nonetheless, 95% will fail just going cold turkey, according to a 2014 study published in the National Library of Medicine.  However, with the help of a smoking cessation program, 20 to 40% will manage to quit for a year or more.

Indeed, there are prescription drugs you can take that will double your chances — like that one on YouTube for Chantix featuring Ray Liotta from the movie Goodfellas.  On the other hand, most include side effects that could land you in a nursing home or an awkward Tinder date.

Those are your risks as an ex-smoker on prescription drugs like Chantix — side effects like heart attacks and flatulence. Any questions? 


of 46 million US smokers want to quit


will fail when trying to quit cold turkey

original herbs to quit smoking

Healing Herbs to Quit Smoking

Is there a natural alternative to kick the ashtray? Absolutely! The herbs are here to help you. Though success varies for each individual, it is possible to wean yourself off cigarettes with organic herbal blends.

By mixing tobacco with organic herbs, and gradually increasing the herbal content of the blend, you can eventually become totally tobacco free with less stress —  no white knuckles and minimal anxiety.  In fact, you’ll hardly even want to murder anyone.

Quit smoking — naturally — and not be a flaming A-hole in the process. How Zen is that?


Cessation Sessions — Blending With Herbs

I always rolled my own cigarettes. It saved money, and I could trick myself into thinking it wasn’t so bad for me.  However, that gunk I hacked up in the shower every morning didn’t lie. My throat burned and my lungs ached — I never felt healthy. Everyday, I needed my cigarette fix, just like every habitual smoker with a monkey on their back.

So I started mixing my tobacco with various organic herbs — mugwort, lobelia, passion flower, and others.  To start with, I used a 60% tobacco-herb smoking mix, gradually working down to 40%, 15% and then down to nothing. The withdrawals were subtle.  In fact, I hardly noticed. Gradually, it got to where I couldn’t smoke more than 15% tobacco without getting a headache or wanting to puke. Using these herbs to quit smoking a was a fairly gradual and smooth process.

Today, I am 100% tobacco free. Not a nicotine monkey in sight.

Three Herbs to Help Quit Smoking & Curb Nicotine Withdrawal

1. Lobelia

Lobelia is incredibly effective as a smoking cessation agent, as it binds to the same receptors in the brain as nicotine does.  However, unlike tobacco, lobelia can relieve a number of respiratory ailments. In fact, it’s known to ease muscles and improve blood flow. It can even be used as a topical to relieve muscle pain and joint lumps triggered by rheumatoid arthritis.



2. Mugwort

This herb features a variety of beneficial components such as triterpenes, flavonoids and coumarin derivatives among others. It has a subtly sedative effect that can relax the mind, ease insomnia, and calm digestive problems. Because of its subtle hallucinogenic properties, mugwort is often called a “dream herb.” In fact, it’s often used in sleep pillows to induce lucid dreaming. What’s more, mugwort’s ability to ease the mind, relax the body, and improve sleep can help with nicotine withdrawal.

3. Passion Flower

Dried as a leaf and smoked or used as a tea, passion flower has a long history among Native Americans in North America. It can balance moods, deepen sleep, and ease symptoms of withdrawal. In a 2001 study for treatment of generalized anxiety disorder, passion flower extract performed as well as oxazepam but with fewer short-term side effects.  Furthermore, it helps balance blood sugar and ease the cravings of addictions like nicotine. 


Passion Flower

Three Bear Blend Herbs to Help You Quit Smoking

" "


Our most aromatic blend, the Original Bear Blend has a mild relaxing and soothing effect. The Original blend has herbs like mugwort, rose petals, calendula flowers, and lobelia that produce a floral, full-bodied smoke.


Earthy and energizing, our Vizion Bear Blend inspires clarity and awareness. The Vizion blend brings together a wonderful combination of herbs like ginkgo biloba, yerba mate, lobelia, mugwort, and calamus. What’s more, its earthy tones with a slight hint of tobacco flavorings make it the perfect tobacco substitute. 


Activating and flavorful, our Amazon Bear Blend inspires balance and alert relaxation. Additionally, the clove flavor makes a nice tobacco substitute. The Amazon blend combines herbs like clove, lobelia, vanilla bean, calamus, and mugwort to create an unforgettable delicious flavor.

All Bear Blends are made from the finest herbs; 100% USDA certified certified organic, biodynamic and fair trade. The blends are hand-crafted in a USDA certified organic facility in Southern California.

Bear Blends can be used as a tea, a smoke, a vape or an incense. They contain no marijuana, are completely legal, and will not cause a false reading on a drug test.

Chill out — meditate — relax — nothing to stress about.  Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.

Mathew Gallagher

Mathew Gallagher

Wordsmith Specialist

A freelance writer for hire, Matt Gallagher is the face and voice behind Web Copy Magician. He enjoys Bear Blend as a tea to spiritually reconnect with nature and the therapeutic wonders of chlorophyll.


  1. Jeanette

    OMG, I’ve been getting so angry at myself for still smoking. Time to go back to rolling my own, and this just reminded me that I still have a couple of Bear Blend tins, THANKS! Really old though. I wonder how stale they are… whatevs, I’m going to pick up some fresh loose American Spirit and start cutting it with stale Bear Blend.

  2. Dani

    I want to quit my juul do you have anything that will help

    • Anthony Bear

      We have some liquids that can be vaped if you are looking to recreate the Juul experience without the nicotine. One thing you can do is get nicotine juice and blend it 50/50 with our liquids to start. Then you can slowly reduce the percentage of nicotine over the period of 2-4 weeks. That’s probably the fastest and easiest way to quit the Juul. Our Liquids are here:

  3. Deborah

    Trying to help a chronic marijuana smoker wean off.
    He has mental illness, severe anxiety, depression
    And difficulty sleeping. What herbs can help without damaging the brain further?

    • Anthony Bear

      I would have to recommend the Dream Lodge or the KinNikNik blends. Both contain herbs known for anti-anxiety effects and can really help with relaxation and sleep depravation. We are not qualified to make any sort of medical recommendations, but in our experience, none of these herbs will damage the brain.

  4. Shannon C Jefferson

    Do you know if these are safe for breastfeeding? I really want to quit but I am so addicted and need a natural remedy so I can continue nursing. Chantix helped before, but I had to stop breastfeeding. We all need to be nicotine free.

    • Anthony Bear

      Hi Shannon. If you are breastfeeding then most any of these herbs are definitely better for you than Nicotine. However, the blends to probably avoid for the breastfeeding mother are: KinNikNik & Shaman for the Uva Ursi, Dreamlodge for the Wormwood and Mintz as too much Peppermint can decrease the milk supply. I would recommend the Vizion, Original or Moon Blends for you. Many people have success using the Vizion to help them ween off (no pun intended) tobacco by blending a small percentage of tobacco with it and then using less and less. I hope this helps. Please call or contact us directly with any other questions.

  5. Terry Polk

    If I smoke the herb will you show positive for anything when I take a piss test or hair follicle test?

    • Anthony Bear

      Our non-CBD herbal blends will not trigger a positive test. The only CBD blend we have is Shaman’s Blend — the rest are free and clear.

  6. Samantha

    I’m trying to quit smoking but I have bad anxiety, I also can’t take anything that would have cbd in it because I get urine tested at work, what would be a good blend for me?

    • Anthony Bear

      Hi Samantha. I would recommend Dream Lodge, KinNikNik or Moon. All of those have nice anti-anxiety effects. What many of our first time customers do is order a Trifecta to get three different flavors for one price. Also, our recommendation is to use a dry herb vaporizer. Thank you for your inquiry.

  7. Claire

    My friend has withdrawals and also has high blood pressure sometimes and mild seizures.what do you recommend

    • Anthony Bear

      Wow! We are not medically qualified to really give you any advice. However it has been documented that St. John’s Wort may be helpful for some withdrawal symptoms. Our Moon blend does contain St. John’s Wort as well as other calming and balancing herbs. Also our Dream Blend may help with pain and restlessness. I would recommend making a strong tea from the Moon and/or Dream Blend 3 times a day. The most important thing to know is that withdrawal is only temporary, not life threatening, and will subside in time. The good news is that he or she is taking the right steps to take back control of their life. And that is a beautiful thing. Please let us know if how your friend is doing.

      • Chyanne

        Dose cream of tartar and orange justice work?

        • Chyanne


  8. April

    Which Tin has all 3 herbs listed above. Lobelia, mugwort and Passion flower. It seems none have all 3 in one tin. How many ozs per tin. My rolling tobacco I can get a big bag for 12. I hope it’s not like 2 oz for 20 or a lb for 50
    I will look at prices but which one has all 3 ? I cannot see all 3 n I don’t like the vaguery if blend of spices. W not all listed. I have to be aware n careful. Obviously my tobacco is bad but I just felt weird not all listed. Explain thanks

  9. Anna

    Herbal blends helped me to stop using nicotine completely! I didn’t even have long and severe nicotine withdrawal symptoms, which I was worried about when I decided to quit smoking tobacco.

    Now, as I’m thinking about having children, I wonder how harmful herbal blends might be for the fetus and my health (in case of getting pregnant while smoking them) and which blends are the most and the least harmful.

    • Julia

      Thank you, and that is a great consideration! Mugwort, which is in all of our blends, is not safe for those pregnant or, to be extra safe, nursing. We would not recommend any of our blends if you’re planning. I am so sorry for any inconvenience!



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  2. Pass It On... Share Your Story — How Have Herbs Changed Your Life? - Smoke Signals - […] herbs helped get you out of the funk of depression, get off pain meds, quit smoking tobacco, or overcome…
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  4. The Ceremony of Smoking Herbal Blends | Bear Blend - […] can also mix the herbs with cannabis for a tobacco-less spliff, or with tobacco as a gradual way to…
  5. Pass It On… Share Your Story — How Have Herbs Changed Your Life? | Bear Blend - […] herbs helped get you out of the funk of depression, get off pain meds, quit smoking tobacco, or overcome…
  6. Herbal Smoking Blends: A Tobacco Free Smoke Alternative | Bear Blend - […] Ready to quit smoking cigarettes? You can do it the easy way with herbal blends.  […]
  7. FreeMinds: An Herbal Smoke Program for Prisons & Institutions | Bear Blend - […] program grows in popularity as more and more prisons ban tobacco. Bear Blend can help people quit cigarettes as…
  8. Look and Feel Fresh This Summer With CBD - […] smoking herbs is a great way to ween yourself off tobacco. Mix a little herbal blend into your next…
  9. Make Smoking Cool Again: Free the Herb & Be Happy - […] smoking herbs is a great way to ween yourself off tobacco. Mix a little herbal blend into your next…

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