Puff, Puff, Sip: How to Find Herbal Joy in the Intimate Cosmic Details

by Sep 24, 2024Smoke Signals0 comments

Puff, Puff, Sip: How to Find Herbal Joy in the Intimate Cosmic Details

by Sep 24, 2024Smoke Signals0 comments

Need a hobby to turn life up a notch? Might I suggest an art museum and a flask of scotch (or whatever spirits tempt your inner Pan goat god demon mischief).

One of my favorite get-away destinations is the Cleveland Museum of Art steeped in your finest bourbon

Set the Bluetooth Miles Davis on stun, sip until it burns, and stare.

The art will talk to you in mysterious, cryptic elliptical ways. Details reveal the mystery, curl the Cosmos within, open your inward vibrations to all the glorious wonder of the Mystic Mind and the pure dazzled array of the galaxies of the Soul.

Example. The Cleveland Museum of Art has what I like to call the “Tablecloth Van Gogh” – The Large Plane Trees (Road Menders at Saint-Rémy). It’s the artist’s painting of a roadside construction scene, mid-1800s, dazzled in the psychedelic vision of Van Gogh’s schizophrenic mind. 

The piece rests behind plexiglass because the painting itself is made from what the corresponding art card calls “an unusual material.” Sip whiskey, stare into the void, and realize it’s actually a tablecloth. You can see the hex pattern design like a ghost epiphany through the paint. The story is Van Gogh went out on a walk one afternoon from the asylum, saw these workers mending the moment,  and inspiration struck. He grabbed the first thing he could find to paint – apparently a tablecloth. 

It’s the details that reveal the painting.

Slow down, look around, and the intricacies of the Cosmos reveal themselves.

Details enhance the living texture if we just take the time to notice.

At Bear Blend, we like to say “Puff, puff, sip.” Slow down and savor the herbs and everything around you – taste the details. Really notice the Earth living, pulsing, breathing in the Cosmic bliss. You’re not smoking a cigarette to get some nic fix. Smoking herbs is a spiritual experience, a special moment in time to be one with the herbs. It’s like sipping tea, not chugging a beer. When you smoke herbs, you are communing with nature and the medicinal relaxing qualities of the plants. Take your time, breathe, and be.

It’s the details that make this Cosmos so beautiful. You’ll find amazing beauty in the intricacies of the blur of this life if just you stop to look, sip, and take it all in. Puff, puff, sip. Here’s how to slow down, savor,  and reveal the happiness in all the intricate, intimate Cosmic details. There’s wonder you never knew if you just take the time to look.

Mental Meditation and Opening the Herbal Mind

Smoking herbs is a great way to slow down, breathe, and be at one with the moment. Another doorway is meditation.

Meditation is like the breath, a beautiful pattern that transforms everyday thoughts into something almost divine. As Ram Dass simply put it in his profound three-word guide to mindfulness: “Be here now.” This practice is a gateway to being fully present in each moment, embracing the spiritual journey of life.

Meditation nurtures kindness, which not only uplifts your soul but can also enhance your happiness and potentially extend your life. A meta-analysis reviewing 22 studies on meditation revealed that regular practice boosts compassion towards oneself and others

Meditation is essentially spending quality time with yourself, finding tranquility in the simplicity of your breath and being.

Using meditation to cultivate inner peace is powerful, but it’s not always a smooth ride – and that’s completely normal. It’s common for challenging emotions like depression, anxiety, or even intense paranoia to emerge. Think of it as squeezing out a sponge filled with your brain’s gray matter; you’re releasing all those built-up toxins. It might be uncomfortable initially, but ultimately, it leads to a feeling of liberation and transformation, connecting you with something almost surreal.

Don’t beat yourself up over any fleeting, odd thoughts. You may be a sick demented weirdo, but that’s okay.  In fact, it’s awesome. Meditation isn’t about achieving an empty mind. Your thoughts will likely swirl and veer off course, especially if you’re just starting. Let these thoughts come and go freely, acknowledging each one without attachment. Over time, the chatter of your “monkey brain” will ease into a sense of quiet and knowing acceptance. As you cultivate patience slowly and steadily, a sense of interconnected flow will begin to take shape. Your mind is a river if you allow it to rain. 

Being Mindful in the Mental of a Moment

Of course, you don’t need to sit on a mountain copping your best yoga pose, David Carradine style, to truly reveal the world around you. While taking time to actively meditate is great and has amazing benefits, simply practicing mindfulness can also help you slow down and reveal the world around you.


Mindfulness can be simple – it’s just being one with the moment, taking a few minutes to solace over a coffee, a piece of music, or even just staring at a tree. It can cut into the bullshit and stress of life and reveal the calm opportunities that exist in every moment.

Mindfulness isn’t about running away from life but fully engaging with every part of it—celebrating our highs just as openly as we acknowledge our lows. It invites us to face discomfort head-on, meet our fears with bravery, and savor those fleeting moments of happiness without holding on too tightly. This practice centers around acceptance and letting go, recognizing that life flows in its own mysterious ways, and our true strength lies in how we choose to react.

Sometimes, we might feel like we’re constantly searching for a way through, unsure of where the key might be. In mindfulness, you realize the door is already open, each moment presenting an opportunity to pass through, with the key already in your hand. Imagine the moon as that door. All you have to do is step forward and walk through.

Savor the 30 Minute Tweezer

Find your own ways to synche in between the details of the moments. Sip your herbs, soar into a 30 minute Tweezer where your mind forgets your body, lay in bed with a lover long after the roller coaster ride. These are the moments to savor, the times that make life worth living, the intricate details behind the lick of the lust.

Puff, Puff, sip –  smoke the Hell out of life, in all its intimate details.

Mathew Gallagher

Mathew Gallagher

Wordsmith Specialist

A freelance writer for hire, Matt Gallagher is the face and voice behind Web Copy Magician. He enjoys Bear Blend as a tea to spiritually reconnect with nature and the therapeutic wonders of chlorophyll.


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