Uva Ursi

Arctostaphylos uva-ursi is a small procumbent woody groundcover shrub 5–30 cm high. The leaves are evergreen, remaining green for 1–3 years before falling. The fruit is a red berry.

Bearberry is the main component in many traditional North American Native smoking mixes, known collectively as “kinnikinnick” (Algonquin for a mixture). Bearberry is used especially amongst western First Nations, often including other herbs and sometimes tobacco. Some historical reports indicate a “narcotic” or stimulant effect, but since it is almost always smoked with other herbs, including tobacco, it is not clear what psychotropic effects may be due to it alone. For a full discussion of Amerindian smoking mixtures see kinnikinnick.

There are several cultivars that are propagated for use as ornamental plants. It is an attractive evergreen plant in gardens, and it is also useful for controlling erosion. It is tolerant of sun and dry soils and is thus common groundcover in urban areas.

Other benefits and effects of Uva Ursi:

  • Uva Ursi For Urinary Tract Infections
  • For Kidney & Liver Health
  • For Natural Healing
  • Uva ursi can be used topically as an astringent wash to treat cuts and scrapes.
  • It has also been used topically to help treat back sprains.
  • Uva ursi is also thought to help relieve diarrhea.

consult your physician before attempting to heal a serious condition, also if you are on medication such as antidepressants

Uva Ursi

Buy Smokable Herbs

In addition to our mixed blends, Bear Blend also features 100% Certified Organic Skullcaps as a smokable herbs. It’s the perfect way to relax and enjoy the benefits of this soothing, healing plant. Pair with Cannabis or Tobacco, or just smoke it by itself!

Product Containing Uva Ursi

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